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Monitor Configuration


The Monitor configuration file is a stripped down version of the Director configuration file, mixed with a Console configuration file. It simply contains the information necessary to contact Directors, Clients, and Storage daemons you want to monitor.

For a general discussion of configuration file and resources including the data types recognized by Bacula, please see the Configuration chapter of this manual.

The following Monitor Resource definition must be defined:

The Monitor Resource

The Monitor resource defines the attributes of the Monitor running on the network. The parameters you define here must be configured as a Director resource in Clients and Storages configuration files, and as a Console resource in Directors configuration files.

Start of the Monitor records.

Name = <name>
Specify the Director name used to connect to Client and Storage, and the Console name used to connect to Director. This record is required.

Password = <password>
Where the password is the password needed for Directors to accept the Console connection. This password must be identical to the Password specified in the Console resource of the Director's configuration file. This record is required if you wish to monitor Directors.

Refresh Interval = <time>
Specifies the time to wait between status requests to each daemon. It can't be set to less than 1 second, or more than 10 minutes, and the default value is 5 seconds.

The Director Resource

The Director resource defines the attributes of the Directors that are monitored by this Monitor.

As you are not permitted to define a Password in this resource, to avoid obtaining full Director privileges, you must create a Console resource in the Director's configuration file, using the Console Name and Password defined in the Monitor resource. To avoid security problems, you should configure this Console resource to allow access to no others daemon, and permit the use of only two commands: status and .status (see below for an example).

You may have multiple Director resource specifications in a single Monitor configuration file.

Start of the Director records.

Name = <name>
The Director name used to identify the Director in the list of monitored daemons. It is not required to be the same as defined in the Director's configuration file. This record is required.

DIRPort = <port-number>
Specify the port to use to connect to the Director. This value will most likely already be set to the value you specified on the --with-base-port option of the ./configure command. This port must be identical to the DIRport specified in the Director resource of the Director's configuration file. The default is 9101 so this record is not normally specified.

Address = <address>
Where the address is a host name, a fully qualified domain name, or a network address used to connect to the Director. This record is required.

The Client Resource

The Client resource defines the attributes of the Clients that are monitored by this Monitor.

You must create a Director resource in the Client's configuration file, using the Director Name defined in the Monitor resource. To avoid security problems, you should set the Monitor directive to Yes in this Director resource.

You may have multiple Director resource specifications in a single Monitor configuration file.

Client (or FileDaemon)
Start of the Client records.

Name = <name>
The Client name used to identify the Director in the list of monitored daemons. It is not required to be the same as defined in the Client's configuration file. This record is required.

Address = <address>
Where the address is a host name, a fully qualified domain name, or a network address in dotted quad notation for a Bacula File daemon. This record is required.

FD Port = <port-number>
Where the port is a port number at which the Bacula File daemon can be contacted. The default is 9102.

Password = <password>
This is the password to be used when establishing a connection with the File services, so the Client configuration file on the machine to be backed up must have the same password defined for this Director. This record is required.

The Storage Resource

The Storage resource defines the attributes of the Storages that are monitored by this Monitor.

You must create a Director resource in the Storage's configuration file, using the Director Name defined in the Monitor resource. To avoid security problems, you should set the Monitor directive to Yes in this Director resource.

You may have multiple Director resource specifications in a single Monitor configuration file.

Start of the Storage records.

Name = <name>
The Storage name used to identify the Director in the list of monitored daemons. It is not required to be the same as defined in the Storage's configuration file. This record is required.

Address = <address>
Where the address is a host name, a fully qualified domain name, or a network address in dotted quad notation for a Bacula Storage daemon. This record is required.

SD Port = <port>
Where port is the port to use to contact the storage daemon for information and to start jobs. This same port number must appear in the Storage resource of the Storage daemon's configuration file. The default is 9103.

Password = <password>
This is the password to be used when establishing a connection with the Storage services. This same password also must appear in the Director resource of the Storage daemon's configuration file. This record is required.

Sample Monitor configuration file and related daemons' configuration records.

A example Monitor configuration file might be the following:

# Bacula Tray Monitor Configuration File
Monitor {
  Name = rufus-mon        # password for Directors
  Password = "GN0uRo7PTUmlMbqrJ2Gr1p0fk0HQJTxwnFyE4WSST3MWZseR"
  RefreshInterval = 10 seconds
Client {
  Name = rufus-fd
  Address = rufus
  FDPort = 9102           # password for FileDaemon
  Password = "FYpq4yyI1y562EMS35bA0J0QC0M2L3t5cZObxT3XQxgxppTn"
Storage {
  Name = rufus-sd
  Address = rufus
  SDPort = 9103           # password for StorageDaemon
  Password = "9usxgc307dMbe7jbD16v0PXlhD64UVasIDD0DH2WAujcDsc6"
Director {
  Name = rufus-dir
  DIRport = 9101
  address = rufus

Sample File daemon's Director record.

Click here to see the full example.

# Restricted Director, used by tray-monitor to get the
#   status of the file daemon
Director {
  Name = rufus-mon
  Password = "FYpq4yyI1y562EMS35bA0J0QC0M2L3t5cZObxT3XQxgxppTn"
  Monitor = yes

Sample Storage daemon's Director record.

Click here to see the full example.

# Restricted Director, used by tray-monitor to get the
#   status of the storage daemon
Director {
  Name = rufus-mon
  Password = "9usxgc307dMbe7jbD16v0PXlhD64UVasIDD0DH2WAujcDsc6"
  Monitor = yes

Sample Director's Console record.

Click here to see the full example.

# Restricted console used by tray-monitor to get the status of the director
Console {
  Name = Monitor
  Password = "GN0uRo7PTUmlMbqrJ2Gr1p0fk0HQJTxwnFyE4WSST3MWZseR"
  CommandACL = status, .status

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